Dietary Advice and Lifestyle Factors
Effective osteoporosis management includes dietary and lifestyle modifications to support bone health. Patients should be encouraged to focus on the following:
- Calcium Intake: Encourage patients to consume at least two to three servings of calcium-rich foods daily, targeting an intake of over 500 mg. Optimal sources include dairy products, leafy greens, tofu, and calcium-fortified foods. Evidence suggests that dietary calcium is safer and more effective than supplements, which may not prevent fractures and could pose cardiovascular risks.
- Vitamin D: Ensure patients maintain adequate vitamin D levels, crucial for calcium absorption, through regular sunlight exposure and supplements when necessary. Those at risk of deficiency, such as housebound individuals, those who are veiled and those with dark skin, may require supplementation. Routine supplementation without deficiency has not been shown to improve bone health.
- Lifestyle Factors: Advise patients on the importance of quitting smoking, limiting alcohol intake to no more than two standard drinks per day (with at least two alcohol-free days per week), and maintaining a healthy BMI (20 to 25 kg/m²) to reduce fracture risk.
Encourage patients to focus on a balanced diet rich in calcium, vitamin D and protein, and healthy lifestyle choices to support bone health and reduce fracture risk.